IIS : access to cmd.exe and multiple commands on one line

From: Daniel Polombo (polombo@cartel-info.fr)
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 01:59:12 PDT

  • Next message: hellNbak: "Re: IIS : access to cmd.exe and multiple commands on one line"

       as you all know, it's possible to exploit a number of IIS bugs to gain 
    access to \winnt\system32\cmd.exe and execute arbitrary commands on the 
    server. I've been trying to convince it to execute several commands on one 
    line (as one would separate commands with a ';' under any decent shell), with 
    limited success : on a number of NT/2k boxes, the syntax :
        command1 & command2  (eg, cd .. & dir)
    works fine. On some other boxes, though, it only returns 'The parameter is 
    It is unclear to me whether this problem happens only because of the way the 
    request is made (http://path/to/cmd.exe?/c+command1&command2), or if there are 
    really different versions of cmd.exe.
    I would assume the former, but I fail to see why it would work on some boxes 
    and not others, given the same commands and commands separator.
    I've tried unicode-encoding the '&', with simple and double encoding (%26 and 
    %2526, respectively), but on the boxes which refuse plain '&', it doesn't work 
    I'd like to get this to work in order to execute several commands on a remote 
    box in the same context (as opposed to several different connections), w/o 
    uploading anything to the box (yet :).
    Any ideas would be welcome.
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