Anyone out there familiar with a tool that would allow one to sniff packets off the wire and forward them to a remote host after modification? Please no mentions of hping2, sing, and NEMESIS. I am not looking for a packet crafting tool, rather, one that lets me forward captured packets. Last I recall, I think the newer versions of IRIS support this functionality but am looking for something else. Loki ===================================================== Loki Founder/Chief Research Scientist Fate Research Labs United States VPN Division [e] lokiat_private [w] ----------------------------------------------------- "You know how you have that dent above your upper lip? Well at the beginning of time I told you a secret and put my finger there and said, shhh" - Fate Research Labs Long Live Our Reign ===================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided by the SecurityFocus Security Intelligence Alert (SIA) Service. For more information on SecurityFocus' SIA service which automatically alerts you to the latest security vulnerabilities please see:
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