Re: Forwarding sniffed packets

From: Jose Nazario (joseat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 10:19:42 PST

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    On 11 Nov 2001, Loki wrote:
    > Thank you for all the great responses, I've had the chance to take a
    > look at all suggestions. My research team has been trying to find out
    > if a packet crafter has been created yet that can create ESP packets.
    > Is this at all possible?
    sure. why not? with pcap and libnet you can do capture and encapsulation
    in whatever protocol you so desire. optionally encrypt (openssl is good
    for this with libcrypto). its up to you. i do not know of any in public
    release. mine is not available (fears of a dmca planet) under any terms.
    jose nazario						     joseat_private
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