Notes HTTP password (was: Re: wanted: a script to try dictionary attacks against NOTES ID files)

From: miguel.dilajat_private
Date: Tue Nov 20 2001 - 10:31:33 PST

  • Next message: Vladimir Parkhaev: "Re: wanted: a script to try dictionary attacks against NOTES ID files"

    Hello people
    The discussion on Notes ID bring something to my mind.
    Some time ago people of Trust Factory showed a tool named 'sesame' to brute
    force/dictionary attack of hashed Notes HTTP passwords in a Black Hat
    convention. The algorythm used is a variant of RSA MD4 (without salt, so
    each password gives only 1 hash). People of Trust Factory didn't release
    sesame to the public.
    Is there any other tool to attack those passwords? I take into account the
    fact that people tends to use the same password in many places, Notes HTTP
    password, Notes login, net login, etc. All tools I know are able to attack
    standard MD4 with salt, not the Notes variant.
    Best regards,
    Miguel Dilaj
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