WatchGuard AppLock/Web

From: Mike Ahern (mc_ahernat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 08:47:32 PST

  • Next message: Lee, Rune: "RE: Compaq Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition UDP ports"

    Anyone have any experience pen testing web servers
    protected by WatchGuard's AppLock/Web product?
    Anyone know of any known issues, achilles heels, etc.,
    with this app? I would imagine the goal would be to
    first try to in some way kill the WatchGuard service.
    Obviously, the WatchGuard app must try to protect
    itself against the typical remote O/S and web server
    vulnerabilities. I had heard thru a friend about a
    similar attack that someone had used against a MEMCO
    SEOS protected server, in that they somehow
    successfully clobbered/killed the SEOS service, and
    then were off to the races.
    I suppose one method might be to try to back-hack the
    box the web server admin uses, and then leverage that
    access to take out the WatchGuard software & web
    Any other ideas?? Particularly related to the software
     - Mike
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