RE: Can you impersonate a client side cert??

From: Cushing, David (David.Cushingat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 30 2002 - 10:08:20 PST

  • Next message: Peter Kruse: "SV: question about fuxay scanner"

    > In most applications, servers only trust 
    > certs issued by a particular CA (perhaps a local CA) and not 
    > the universe of possible commercial CA's that are available 
    > by default in the web server (since commercial CAs typically 
    > have pretty week auth criteria - Verisign, for example lets 
    > you get one for "test purposes" using just your email 
    > address.)  So, using a spurious CA that you control is 
    > (usually) out of the question.  
    Many applications will also allow you to establish trust based on the
    user certificate [chain] instead of a root CA certificate.  If it
    supports it this is a nice way to lock things down a little more
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