Using Dsniff Utilities

From: Sumit Dhar (dharat_private)
Date: Tue May 07 2002 - 07:10:22 PDT

  • Next message: Sumit Dhar: "Re: Arp spoofing & dsniff"

    Hello Everyone,
    With the current discussion on "Dsniff and Arpspoof" on pen-test, just
    thought I will ask one or two things that I have not managed. 
    1. MITM: How does one launch a MITM, specifically sshmitm. I tried using
    webmitm and sshmitm with out success. If anyone could quickly post the
    required steps, would be wonderful. 
    2. What is the procedure for using dnsspoof? I was assuming that this
    might be required to get the MITM attack succesful. 
    3. Msgsnarf: My msgsnarf doesn't work properly. Sometimes it crashes
    dumping core. Also sniffing sessions which are already running, is not
    possible. Are there any other utils (open source/free, on Linux
    platform) which can do this job?
    Was able to use the other utilities successfully. One thing I have found
    is that there is no comprehensive document on using dsniff. Maybe it was
    delibrate on the part of the author, given how versatile this tool is..
    But if anyone is seriously interested in collaborating on such a
    document, let us get started...
    <a href=>Sumit Dhar</a>
    Manager, Business Development and Products,
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