Info about ConcentricHost...?

From: Jens Knoell (jensat_private)
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 23:59:45 PDT

  • Next message: Sumit Dhar: "Re: Arp spoofing & dsniff"

    I recently ran across the following webserver ID, and could not really find
    any information about it:
    ConcentricHost-Ashurbanipal/2.0 (SomeCompany Webhosting)
    In the brackets is the hosting company's name.
    The host seems firewalled, as the nmap scan reported an unknown host - but
    another banner reveals that it's quite likely a Solaris machine.
    I would suspect that the banner gets altered by the firewall. Can anyone
    shed some light on this, or point me to some papers about that specific
    The goal of the pentest, btw, was to prove that a firewall doesn't
    necessarily stop cautious hackers. So far, I've reached that goal, but I'd
    like to know a _little_ bit more to satisfy my own curiosity.
    Thanks a lot
    Jens Knoell
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