Pen testing a NetCache by NetApp

From: miguel.dilajat_private
Date: Mon May 27 2002 - 07:58:57 PDT

  • Next message: Fabio Pietrosanti (naif): "Re: S-box Experiences"

    Hello people
    Yesterday I was pen-testing a NetCache. It seems well configured, any ICMP,
    UDP, and TCP traffic was just dropped, except TCP traffic when source port
    is a privileged one (20 and 53 were successfully tested, so I managed to
    port scan the appliance).
    Port 80 was open (provided the source port is privileged), so I used NetCat
    specifying the source port for banner grabbing and preliminar
    I suppose that using fragroute I can opperate with comfort on this port,
    didn't have the time to test it, yet.
    If anyone has any interesting info or references (other than BugTraq) on
    pen-testing a NetCache, I'll be glad to hear of it.
    Thank you in advance. Kind regards,
    Miguel Dilaj
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