Remotely hacking Novell ?

From: Rainer Duffner (
Date: Wed Jul 03 2002 - 09:50:00 PDT

  • Next message: H D Moore: "Re: Anyone recognises this ?"

    I have found some Novell-server during a pentest (in fact, the site is a 
    pretty much a complete Novell-Shop, minus things like Citrix). 
    Anyway, there's a webserver with some Novonyx (remember that ?) Sample-Files 
    and there's an LDAP-Server that exports what looks like part of the NDS 
    (minus passwords, but some email-addresses). 
    It also has 427/tcp and 524/tcp open (well, nmap says) - are there any tools 
    that can enumerate more information from the server through these ports - if 
    at all ?
    I assume, these are Novell-specific ports. 
    Finally: does pandora only work locally ? 
    Rainer Duffner                   Munich          Germany        Freising
        When shall we three meet again
      In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
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