RE: escalating IUSR to admin rights via unicode and iis4

From: French, Dave (DFrenchat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 12 2002 - 06:36:19 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Craig: "RE: Scanning for blank admin passwords on a windows box"

    You could also utilize the file isapir2s.dll.  What you would do is upload
    that file to the /scripts directory.  Then, in your command line through the
    URL, use isapir2s.dll to execute netcat for your listener:
    /scripts/isapir2s.dll?(and wherever you put nc.exe)
    example:  /scripts/isapir2s.dll?d:\inetpub\scripts\nc.exe%20-l...etc...
    The isapir2s.dll is basically a revert to self function, which will make the
    command you are issue run as context of the web server, SYSTEM.
    Then, on an IIS4 server, you will have SYSTEM priv.  On an IIS 5.0, you may
    only get IWAM depending on a certain setting within IIS.
    Hope this may be helpful.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ewvtwviat_private [mailto:ewvtwviat_private] 
    Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 12:18 PM
    To: pen-testat_private
    Subject: escalating IUSR to admin rights via unicode and iis4
    Hash: SHA1
     I understand that this topic has been discussed in great deal, however i
    searched the archives and was unable to find anything.
     In doing a security assessment - I came across a web server running iis4
    that is vulnerable to the unicode exploit. I was able to get it to tftp back
    to my tftp server and pull down nc and a few other things...then got nc
    listening with a shell and was able to connect to that shell...I didnt go
    any further and reported it as it was. I was then questioned on the
    possibility of it being used to escalate rights to administrator..and asked
    for a demo... i repeated the above steps, but was unable to stop services
    and such. I couldnt even delete a file I had uploaded using unicode with
     Could someone please point me to info that would explain what i have to do
    accomplish this. I have been searching...but apparently not well enough.
    Again, I hope this gets through..As it has prolly been discussed very much.
    I apologize in advance for this question.. but im stuck :(
    Thanks much!
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