some pure perl or python virtual machine (interpreter)?

From: Darjoan (darjoanat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 18:38:47 PDT

  • Next message: Gary O'leary-Steele: "Perl and NetWare-Enterprise-Web-Server/5.1"

    Dear guys:
    I am try to incorporate an virtual machine to the backdoor for
    cross-platform ability.I choose between perl and python. But I get problem
    to get a pure or core virtual machine.
    As you known, perl is all-in-one with compiler and interpreter, maybe python
    is easy for my bookdoor, would you tell me where is some pure python
    interpreter which implement what is done by pythonrun.c in python package?
    So that the interpreter will be smaller and run *.pyc which feeded into
    Any advice for pure perl virtual machine(interpreter)? After all, exploits
    written in perl are now much more than those in python.
    Best regards
    Darjoan Dave
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