getting a double quote by the xp_cmdshell

From: nobody (pentesterat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 10:29:22 PDT

  • Next message: Ryan Russell: "Re: getting a double quote by the xp_cmdshell"

    I am aware of all that the xp_cmdshell can do once you
    have it and it runs with the authority/context that
    you need.
    While dumpster diving for .bat, .sql, .log, .iss ,
    .cmd or .bak files
    I sometimes want to see the contents of the file with
    a quick  NT DOS command:
    xp_cmdshell "type c:\program files\esm\agent.iss"
    The NT TYPE command works if I enclose the whole
    drive:\path with double quotes - the space in between
    the program files is the problem
    I cannot figure out the syntax for adding double
    quotes around this - inside the above xp_cmdshell
    I have searched the web and found good sql references
    - but have not found out how to get those "" inside
    the xp_cmdshell.
    anyone ?
    sending the file via TFTP is not always allowed or
    advisable - since most IDS can be easily setup to see
    all tftp get/puts - also - I am aware of the other
    ways to get the file  - sharing out the drive  etc..
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