Re: Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities - XSS

From: Bill Pennington (billpat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 06 2002 - 08:29:08 PDT

  • Next message: Jeff Williams: "Re: Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities - XSS"

    Cross posting to webappsec because I know other people will have comments
    and suggestions.
    I have done more XSS testing that I care to remember.
    There are no tool that I am aware of that can accurately test for XSS issues
    in a web application. Some scanners have pretty good test for web server and
    application server XSS issues (like request
    <SCRIPT>alert("foo")</SCRIPT>.jsp and exploit the 404 handler), Nessus and
    nikto come to mind.
    For XSS testing I use a browser and a cheat sheet, a list of XSS strings to
    inject. My testing goes something like this:
    Assuming I am looking at a URL based variable, VAR=
    1. Determine if the variable is displayed on the screen. Change
    VAR=realcontent to VAR=foo. This should generate an error message but it
    might not. On the resulting page, view source and search for foo. Note, you
    might want to pick a less common string to make searching easier.
    If foo is not on the resulting page you can not perform a URL based XSS
    attack. The data might be stored and displayed latter though. Keep an eye
    out for it :-)
    2. See how the application handles "<" and ">". Now change the variable to
    VAR=<foo>. Again view source on the returned page and look for <foo>. If
    <foo> is present you most likely have an XSS issue. If you see something
    like %ltfoo&gt then the variable is not vulnerable.
    3, Now you just need to build an actual bit of client code and see if it
    gets gets executed. Change VAR= to VAR=<SCRIPT>alert("XSS");</SCRIPT> When
    you submit the page you should get a pop-up box that says XSS on your
    screen. If you do not get the pop-up, view source and find your string and
    make sure the proper syntax is in place. Some variables to put in strange
    places and you may need to format your injection string differently. If you
    are getting the full string returned to the browser without modification it
    is vulnerable, you just need to figure out the proper format. Most likely
    you need to close out another tag or a set of quotes before you XSS code is
    The above steps are a bit redundant but they are part of testing the
    application for all known issues, not just XSS. You could just do step 3 but
    you might miss a bit of important info along the way. Most automated tools
    will only catch the simple XSS attacks, the more difficult ones are passed
    Hope that helps!
    On 8/3/02 10:52 PM, "Jason binger" <cisspstudyat_private> wrote:
    > Has anyone on the list done much with testing for XSS
    > vulnerabilities?
    > Has anyone written a simple work program to test for
    > these vulnerabilities that they are happy to
    > distribute so others can do basic testing for these
    > vulnerabilities?
    > There a few papers out on this topic, but none that I
    > hve seen that really focus on the testing side of
    > things.
    > Thanks
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