which freebsd/apache is exploitable at all?

From: Ingram (Vailat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 08:00:37 PDT

  • Next message: Muhammad Faisal Rauf Danka: "Re: XSS vulnerability on Apache Tomcat server"

    which Version of FreeBSD is really exploitable with the gobbles nosejob.c
    I tried it on several versions, but couldnīt manage to get shell. On OpenBSD
    not a problem, i could even spawn a shell on 2.9 which is not "supported" by
    I tried the following configs:
    FreeBSD 4.4 RELEASE + Apache 1.3.22
    FreeBSD 4.5 RELEASE + Apache 1.3.23
    FreeBSD 4.5 RELEASE + Apache 1.3.24
    FreeBSD 4.6 RELEASE + Apache 1.3.24
    FreeBSD 4.6 RELEASE + Apache 1.3.25
    I use the cygwin win32 port of the gobbles nosejob.
    Could anybody point me to the right direction how to exploit the apache
    chunked vuln
    on FreeBSD and which version/parameters actually work?
    thx in advantage
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