RE: Novell NDS

From: Ken Smith (ksmithat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 08:55:28 PST

  • Next message: Loki: "ASP Files from Compromised Machine (Broken Walls Whitepaper)"

    Does Novell still keep the NDS information (database) in a hidden directory off of the root of SYS?  If you have ADMIN access, can that data be accessed directly... maybe via the netbasic interpreter that's included with Netware?  
    -----Original Message-----
    From: s c [mailto:nogodhereat_private]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 7:11 AM
    To: pen-testat_private
    Subject: Novell NDS
    Importance: High
    Interestingly Novell has provided new patches for thei NDS, which when 
    applied now create different file types after running a DSREPAIR.
    In the past and without the upgrade, once you have RCONSOLE access you can 
    then create a backup of the NDS with DSREPAIR and then use a product like 
    Pandora (NMRC) to break the .DIB file apart and crack the passwords with it. 
    Another password cracker for Novell's NDS is IMP.
    Unfortunately, the file type is now in a file named '00000000.$DU'.
    Just like I don't know the actual coding to break apart the SAM that 
    l0phtcrack uses, I don't know the actual coding to do the same to the NDS 
    I believe this new file is actually signed by a private key generated by the 
    Novell system, making it more difficult to crack.
    Any advice here would be helpful. The penetration activity is still 
    successful as we have ADMIN level access and created our own account and can 
    view any system, reset any password, etc. It would be helpful to be able to 
    crack all the passwords for the client as well as for our own enjoyment.
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