RE: common criteria draft

From: Aleksander P. Czarnowski (alekcat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 05:10:32 PST

  • Next message: Jeremy Bartels: "remote privilege escalation"

    > I don't know how many people reading the lists have any 
    > involvement in formal Evaluation, but I doubt it is very 
    > many.  This isn't really Penetration Testing as the majority 
    > of people on these lists understand it.
    Fully agree. For what most would see as pen-test methodology example I
    would advise rather to take a look at Open Source Security Testing
    Methodology Manual at insted of CC drafts. 
    > Unless someone works for an Evaluation Facility, then they 
    > aren't likely to have come across this or have the background 
    > knowledge to put the document into context.
    Actually there are few good reasons to at least read it even if you are
    not Evaluation Facility. Formalization of pen-test process is not an
    easy task and such documents can positively influence others work in
    this field. However one should read other documents regarding CC before
    starting with this draft I guess.
    > There is some good stuff in there if you need to develop a 
    > formal method for Penetration Testing, but it isn't an easy 
    > read.  This entire process is still under review, and 
    > probably won't be finalised until late 2003/early 2004.
    This is one of drawbacks that probably keeps people not using it. People
    are afraid of using and applying drafts in production environment. 
    Just my 2 cents
    Best Regards,
    Aleksander Czarnowski
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