From: Jeremy Junginger (jjat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 09:09:01 PST

  • Next message: John Madden: "SQL Vulnerabilty Assesment"

    Thanks for the ideas, guys.  I'm running into a bit of technical
    trouble, though.  Perhaps you could shed some light?
    I now have a "victim" web server set up that I can test XSS on, and I
    have also set up an "attacker" web server that basically sits there and
    eats cookies via CGI, storing them to a local directory.  The next
    question may seem very rudimentary, but can you just write those to your
    user's "cookie" folder and "hijack" their session to the web site?  I
    know I'm missing something ::scratching my head::
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