Re: MS Terminal Services open to the world

From: Robert G. Ferrell (rferrellat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 10 2003 - 09:19:48 PST

  • Next message: Dave Aitel: "Re: remote privilege escalation"

    At 10:09 AM 1/10/03 -0500, Ralph Los wrote:
    >         I've got a pretty good client of mine who absolutely refuses to heed
    >my warnings about keeping Terminal Services open to the world.  They rely on
    >Windows passwords and figure that's strong enough for all their servers
    >(management).  Now I'm given the task of auditing their
    >security/infrastructure and would like to come up some creative ways to back
    >up my point about MS TS open to the Internet being a bad idea.
    >Any thoughts or input is appreciated.
    Not to be too obvious, why not hit them with a simple brute force/dictionary
    attack?  Or slap on a packet dumper and sniff their clear text traffic?
    Robert G. Ferrell
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