Password storage - Reversible encryption in AD.

From: Douglas E Baldwin (Douglas.Baldwinat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 11:46:38 PST

  • Next message: Pete Herzog: ""How To" OSSTMM 2.5 - Penetration Testing Methodology"

    We have come across an application that is requiring passwords be stored in
    Active Directory using reversible encryption (in the Active Directory
    sense, not cyptographic).  The documentation seems to be saying this is
    basically clear text.  However, we haven't been able to pull any passwords
    off our test environment.
    If someone has experience with a similar setup, any help on where and how
    the passwords are actually stored, and the ease or method of actually
    pulling them off is very much appreciated.  Also, if this isnt the best
    forum for this issue, any help in pointing me in the right direction is
    also appreciated.
    Thanks in advance for your help,
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