Specifying/modifying the MAC of a virtual adapter

From: Jojo Munkey (Jojo_munkeyat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 01 2003 - 00:37:20 PST

  • Next message: Ryan: "Proposal?"

    Hello to all you guys/gals, I have a couple questions about changing the
    Media Access Code for a virtual adapter [and a physical adapter] in a
    Windows XP environment.
    I am aware of a tool that can make use of the NdisReadNetworkAddress
    function, or rather, the particular registry extention in which it resides.
    My problem originates from the fact the adapter I need to redesignate is a
    virtual adapter miniport, so it doesn't initialize the 6-byte MAC the same
    way as a physical adapter. Is there a way I can change the MAC for this
    virtual device via a Windows DDK function call, or a way to edit the 6-byte
    code that is stored in the stack?
    I suspect the second way will be much easier, but getting access to a
    running memory register, I have little experience with that. Any
    tips/tools/pointers would be greatly appreciated. [I wish it was as simple
    as my Linux box, one line would have been it..]
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