Re: Vulnebrability level definition

From: Steven M. Christey (coleyat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 13:13:01 PST

  • Next message: kevin mckay: "Re: linux l0pht"

    "R. DuFresne" <dufresneat_private> said:
    >there is prolly alot of confusion with various rating methods in place
    >depending upon whence one seeks such info, nessus I think uses params
    >much like you state here, I think uses something a tad
    If you're referring to CVE, then we do not use any particular risk
    value.  CVE descriptions will often include information like
    remote/local exploitation and the effects (code execution, DoS, etc.)
    Many CVE consumers do ask us to include such a value, which
    demonstrates the desire for this type of information, but
    unfortunately it's outside CVE's scope as a naming standard.
    I think there's a general need for some consistent "risk level" that
    can be used by everyone for the "typical" enterprise.  The same
    vulnerability can get varying risk levels across different
    vulnerability databases.  Also, different enterprises will assign
    different priorities to the same vulnerability based on things like
    their own policies, threat environment, risk aversion, etc.
    (Hopefully I don't cause a terminological discussion by throwing out
    words like those! :-) And there will be disagreements about subtle or
    complex issues, like many web browser vulnerabilities.  Still, it
    would be nice to have something for the typical enterprise that
    reflects generally accepted principles like "unauthenticated root
    access over the network is really, really, really bad."
    >while SAN' weekly vulnerability assessments look to rate much as you
    >do here.  I kinda like the SANS rating methid and would suggest that
    >might work as a template for you to go by.
    If you're referring to the weekly "SANS Critical Vulnerability
    Analysis" reports, I like it too.  They use a 4-point scale that
    distinguishes between "CRITICAL" vulnerabilities and "HIGH" risk
    vulnerabilities, where "critical" issues may be subject to easy
    exploitation in widespread software with root/admin level privileges.
    I've tried tackling the risk level problem.  I thought that a 5-point
    scale might be nice, but could not cleanly separate the "middle"
    items, then independently developed something similar to the SANS
    levels, for whatever that's worth.
    Per Niila Albinsson <perat_private> said:
    >I do believe there would also be a need for classification of a
    >vulnerability could be exploited remotely or/and locally.
    One difficulty here is that there's not just "over the network" and
    "on the machine."  There are other factors like the amount of
    authentication required and the scope of access provided to the
    application/system/network - e.g. do admin privileges on a bulletin
    board CGI program translate into any damage beyond the scope of the
    board, e.g. the system itself?  How do you handle bugs in file formats
    where the files could be transferred "remotely" or "locally?"  Should
    there be a distinction between "access to system via its software" and
    physical access, e.g. to the raw disk?
    So, even simple terms like "remote" and "local" will have widely
    varying definitions.  For exapmle, just recently I observed a security
    bulletin that talked about "local access" for an issue that could only
    be exploited by sending packets to the internal interface of a router.
    - Steve
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