new tool: qahs

From: methodicat_private
Date: Wed Jun 04 2003 - 12:03:24 PDT

  • Next message: Stephan Barnes: "RE: Tools for voicemail testing?"

    Im working on a tool called qahs (quick automatied host scanner)..
    basically it will nmap a host, parse it's open ports, attempts to get
    banners from open services, and has internal rules, so if port 79 is
    open, it'll run finger, if 2049 is open, it will run showmount, etc..
    it's a great tool to use if you're pen-testing subnets. qahs will write
    a seperate log file for each host scanned, so you can grep through them,
    or do something like less *.log.
    this isn't a "release" yet.. Id like to make it as complete as I can
    before I officially release it to other places. if you have any good
    ideas or know of any good programs to run if a port is open (im looking
    for a good one for port 6000), please feel free to email me.
    you can wget qahs here:
    + Microsoft doesn't believe in free() code.

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