Re: Product review postings (was Administrivia)

From: Mark C. Langston (markat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 11:41:30 PDT

  • Next message: Gwendolynn ferch Elydyr: "Re: Product review postings (was Administrivia)"

    On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:19:45PM -0600, Alfred Huger wrote:
    > Please do not confuse this with Full Disclosure of vulnerabilities and
    > criticism of products. The two issues are wholey separate and I am
    > guessing you actually do understand the distinction. I have no problem
    > with critical information being posted so long as the poster is
    > accountable for his or her statements.
    So you will now require all vulnerabilities posted to be traceable back
    to the individual who discovered and/or publicized the vulnerability?
    Can you not see the chilling effect this would have?  Many
    vulnerabilities would not be publicised, and those that were would
    quite possibly be actionable under the DMCA.  Those that weren't
    may still present problems other posters have raised, such as the
    advertisement of problems with one's own products (in effect,
    anonymous whistleblowing), or with one's own purchases (which would
    be a welcome mat for anyone wishing to penetrate that individual's
    I understand your frustration, but here I believe the bad outweighs
    the good, and I've yet to see an explanation of the good inherent
    in this policy.  Accountability is fine, but accountability to
    what ends?  If someone misbehaves, you can throw them off the list
    by removing their e-mail address from the list.  You do not require
    a real name do accomplish this.
    Mark C. Langston                                    Sr. Unix SysAdmin
    markat_private                                       markat_private
    Systems & Network Admin                                SETI Institute                     
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