Re: Product review postings (was Administrivia)

From: Mark C. Langston (markat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 14:35:21 PDT

  • Next message: Alfred Huger: "Re: Product review postings (was Administrivia)"

    On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 02:50:51PM -0600, Alfred Huger wrote:
    > > I'm a bit boggled that you can look at both general and specific
    > > instances in the software industry, but not specifically the security
    > > industry, and somehow believe that "That can't happen here".
    > I'm a bit boggled as to why you've not answered the question. I'll forgoe
    > everyone here the suspense. It's never happened for a product review in
    > this industry - ever. And I am really quite sure it never will. Being a
    > vendor mouth piece I have the inside track don't forget.
    Careful, Al.  That's an awfully big brush you're using to delineate
    black and white.
    From SF's own website:
    NAI sued over their review ban.  While true that NAI did not itself sue
    a reviewer, it came close.
    It should also serve to illustrate how the courts, and a few prominent
    members of this industry, feel about such censorship or otherwise
    chilling effects.
    Then, there's the lawsuit Blackboard brought earlier this year:
    Though it contained vulnerabilities, one could term the disclosure a 
    comprehensive review of the product.  It's just the nature of the beast
    that, when dealing with security products, a major part of the review's
    going to address how secure the product is.  Where it falls short,
    well, those are vulnerabilities.
    So, we now find ourselves playing semantic games revolving around what
    constitutes a "product review" versus what constitutes a "vulnerability
    That, to me, appears to be a slippery slope best avoided.
    Then, of course, outside our own industry, there are the lawsuits
    brought against Consumer Reports by the auto industry over CR's 
    product reviews.
    Mark C. Langston                                    Sr. Unix SysAdmin
    markat_private                                       markat_private
    Systems & Network Admin                                SETI Institute                     
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