Re: DSL modems used for pen-testing

From: David Moisan (dmoisanat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 16:21:10 PDT

  • Next message: Derek Grocke: "Re: SCADA Auditing Tools"

    At 02:16 PM 7/9/2003 -0700, Jay D. Dyson wrote:
    >- -Jay
    >1.  Email supportat_private - their Web and FTP sites seem to have
    >     firmware available for everything _but_ the Prestige 643.  Weird.
    Be aware that many DSL providers offer customized modems to their customers 
    that may or may not be anything like the retail product.  Westell is known 
    for this, and apparently Zxyel, too.
    I can imagine this making the difference for some situations.
    Take care,
    >    (    (                                                        _______
    >    ))   ))   .-"There's always time for a good cup of coffee"-.   >====<--.
    >  C|~~|C|~~| (>----- Jay D. Dyson -- jdysonat_private -----<) |    = |-'
    >   `--' `--'  `Red meat isn't bad for you, fuzzy green meat is.'  `------'
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    David Moisan, N1KGH   ARES/SKYWARN             dmoisanat_private
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