BeatLm and NTLMv2

From: Luciano (lroluk1at_private)
Date: Thu Jul 10 2003 - 00:04:01 PDT

  • Next message: gr00vy: "AkamaiGHost"

    I'm trying to test my W2K network whit ScoopLM and BeatLM. I
    succesfully get some challenge/response stuff from the network whit ScoopLm.
    The .csv file is this:
    Server,Client,Account,Result,Challenge,"LM response","NTLM
    response","Date & Time",,"pen-test",OK,38CB0E07FA0AFADB,60EEBD4ED6146E4200
    9 2003 14:21:32"
    But when I load this into BeatLm, it doesn't work as expected. It show
    in the "Lenght" column the string NTLMv2 but when I try to crack
    nothing happens.
    Have I to rearrange the fields in the file?
     or is BeatLm that doesn't recognize NTLMv2?
    Can someone suggest me some BeatLm documentation?
    Thanks in advance,
    Luciano Estero
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