TScrack 2.1 released

From: gridrun (gridrunat_private-girlies.org)
Date: Fri Jul 18 2003 - 11:36:05 PDT

  • Next message: SKC: "Re: V/Scan for Wireless LANs"

    Hello there,
    for all those who have been waiting for a TS bruteforce tool: TScrack 
    2.1 build 77  introduces bruteforce cracking against RDP servers. Its an 
    interim release, and I didnt have time to update documentation, but I 
    added a small txt file explaining how to use bruteforce mode. Grab it 
    from http://softlabs.spacebitch.com/tscrack if you are interested.
    If someone could test this on/against windows 2003? I guess it will work 
    *on* it (since 2k3 is based on 2k) but not *against* it, as the AI is 
    still the old one, and didnt ever see a single capture of a 2003 
    terminal server. I'd be however very suprised to hear that it works; 
    unfortunately I cant test it here because I do not have a windows 2003 
    server available atm.
    Also notice that there is a bug in the docs, saying TScrack does support 
    40bit encryption... tsk tsk, silly me, there is no such thing as 40bit 
    encryption with RDP!
    As a side note: Has any of your boxen ever been owned by 31337 IRC 
    hax0rs? Have you ever found an unauthorized eggdrop, or a sdbot running 
    on your servers? Check out http://www.spacebitch.com/cerebro.jpg then, 
    and let me know what you think: gridrunat_private (hi spammers, I 
    give a flying fsck bout ur inch-adding products btw).
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