Dialup Testing scripting?

From: wirepair (wirepairat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 10:18:37 PDT

  • Next message: Keenen Milner: "RE: best Win2K based compact Pen Test tool set.?"

    lo all, I'm looking for a set of scripts that will allow me to test different parity settings, as well as different emulation
    types. I started working with some chat scripts but I can't configure parity in chat. So I tried using minicom, but quickly 
    realized that there's no way to have it auto-quit and try the next setup/configuration.
    Here is what i'm looking for:
    Dial #, using 8n1, set vt100, connect to modem, read data, save it to log file, then quit.
    Dial #, using 8n1, set vt102, connect to modem, read data, save it to log file, then quit.
    Dial #, using 7e1, set vt100, connect... you get the idea.
    Anyone have a solution for this type of testing? I'm finding it to be a big waste of time doing this stuff manually.
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