NASL syntax coloring file for the UltraEdit source editor

From: Georges Dagousset (georges.dagoussetat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 10:21:40 PDT

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: NASL syntax coloring file for the UltraEdit source editor"

    If you are using UltraEdit ( as editor for nasl files,
    the worldfile nasl.txt is just for you.
    This file reconize nasl words and display them in different colors.
    This is particularly useful for programmers, and can also be useful to other
    who may want certain words in a document to show up in a different color.
    Renaud, perhaps can you create a section in your web site for related
    like this?
    Georges Dagousset
    PS: I can maintain this file for all new version of nessus.

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