new api text, debug messages, ..

From: skyper (skyperat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 14:12:00 PDT

  • Next message: Alan Pitts: "plugin that will detect servers infected w/ Nimda worm"

    Are there any log-routines that can be accessed from 
    a plugin (.c or .nasl) ?
    (fprintf to stderr works only in plugin_init()).
    Is there any way to set the timeout of a plugin during the vuln.-check
    (based on results from a vuln.-check) or after the
    user specified some values in the preferences ?
    Will there be any new documentation on the api (for .c modules) ?
    PGP: dig skyper axfr|grep TX|cut -f2 -d\"|sort|cut -f2 -d\;

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