Re: Pb with smb_dom2sid.nasl

From: Noam Rathaus (noamrat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 24 2001 - 13:02:48 PDT

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: Pb with smb_dom2sid.nasl"

    It sounds like a NASL parser problem, rather than a NASL plugin code problem.
    Noam Rathaus
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Georges Dagousset" <georges.dagoussetat_private>
    To: <plugins-writersat_private>
    Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 22:02
    Subject: Pb with smb_dom2sid.nasl
    There a problem in smb_dom2sid.nasl:
    We lose the variable s at output of the function long.
    I don't understand why.
    so I made a dirty modification:
     num = long(s:s, index:index);
     sid = sid + num + "-";
     index = index+4;
     num = long(s:s, index:index);
     sid = sid + num + "-";
     index = index+4;
     num = long(s:s, index:index);
     sid = sid + num+ "-";
     index = index+4;
     num = long(s:s, index:index);
     sid = sid + num;
    is now
     r = s;
     num = long(s:r, index:index);
     sid = sid + num + "-";
     index = index+4;
     num = long(s:r, index:index);
     sid = sid + num + "-";
     index = index+4;
     num = long(s:r, index:index);
     sid = sid + num+ "-";
     index = index+4;
     num = long(s:r, index:index);
     sid = sid + num;
    I'm using Nessus 1.1.4.
    Can somebody tell me what is the problem?
    Georges Dagousset

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