Re: Use of the " | " character

From: Thomas Reinke (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 10:28:25 PDT

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: Use of the " | " character"

    I believe that the field separate is "<|>" so unless you put a string
    like that into the script, there should't be a problem with it the way
    it is.
    > Brad Caldwell wrote:
    > I have noticed there are several scripts which use the " | "
    > character.  The use of this character is problematic since this
    > character is the field separator used by Nessus when outputing scan
    > results.
    > The scripts use this character in a manner similar to the following:
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Solution :
    > -  >From the desktop, start the Internet Service Manager
    >    by clicking Start | Programs | Windows NT 4.0 Option
    >    Pack | Microsoft Internet Information Server | Internet
    >    Service Manager,
    > - Double-click 'Internet Information Server',
    > - Right-click on the computer name and select Properties,
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > The scripts I found using this character are as follows:
    > iis_buffer_overflow.nasl
    > iis_ida_isapi.nasl
    > iis5_isapi_printer.nasl
    > Does anyone have a problem if those scripts are changed to use another
    > character?  Any suggestions on what the replacement character should
    > be?
    > I will make the changes and submit the diffs to Renaud if there is
    > agreement the changes should be made.
    Thomas Reinke                            Tel: (905) 331-2260
    Director of Technology                   Fax: (905) 331-2504
    E-Soft Inc.               
    Publishers of SecuritySpace

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