
From: John Lampe (j_lampeat_private)
Date: Sun Oct 14 2001 - 06:39:28 PDT

  • Next message: John Lampe: "Re: LaBrea"

    Anyone experiencing troubles scanning through "LaBrea tarpitted" networks?  Does anyone see any value in adding a check which looks for tarpits (perhaps a modification of ping_host.nasl or some other preliminary nasl check)?  The code below has been working moderately well....
    John Lampe
    src = this_host();
    dst = get_host_ip();
    init_ip_id = 1234;
    filter = string("src port ", dport);
    #our initial SYN packet
    ip = forge_ip_packet(ip_v:4, ip_hl:5, ip_tos:0,ip_off:0,ip_len:20,
                         ip_p:IPPROTO_TCP, ip_id:init_ip_id, ip_ttl:0x40,
    tcp = forge_tcp_packet(ip:ip, th_sport:sport, th_dport:dport,
                         th_flags:TH_SYN, th_seq:init_seq,th_ack:0,
                         th_x2:0, th_off:5, th_win:2048, th_urp:0);
    rep =  send_packet(pcap_active : TRUE,
                        pcap_filter : filter,
                        pcap_timeout : 2,
    winsize = get_tcp_element(tcp:rep, element:"th_win");
    if (winsize == 10) {
        display ("Labrea found\n");
        set_kb_item(name:"Host/dead", value:TRUE);
    seq = get_tcp_element(tcp:rep, element:"th_seq");
    ack = get_tcp_element(tcp:rep, element:"th_ack");
    if (seq && ack) {
      myack = seq + 1;
      init_seq = init_seq + 1;
      init_ip_id = init_ip_id + 1;
      #our ACK to their SYN-ACK
      ip = forge_ip_packet(ip_v:4, ip_hl:5, ip_tos:0,ip_off:0,ip_len:20,
                         ip_p:IPPROTO_TCP, ip_id:init_ip_id, ip_ttl:0x40,
      tcp = forge_tcp_packet(ip:ip, th_sport:sport, th_dport:dport,
                         th_flags:TH_ACK, th_seq:init_seq,th_ack:myack,
                         th_x2:0, th_off:5, th_win:2048, th_urp:0);
      rep2 =  send_packet(pcap_active : TRUE,
                        pcap_filter : filter,
                        pcap_timeout : 2,
      # handshake is complete
      # read in their window size
      # if they are in persist mode, we should now probe for window size
      ip = forge_ip_packet(ip_v:4, ip_hl:5, ip_tos:0,ip_off:0,ip_len:20,
                         ip_p:IPPROTO_TCP, ip_id:init_ip_id, ip_ttl:0x40,
      tcp = forge_tcp_packet(ip:ip, th_sport:sport, th_dport:dport,
                         th_flags:TH_ACK, th_seq:init_seq,th_ack:myack,
                         th_x2:0, th_off:5, th_win:2048, th_urp:0, data:"H");
      rep3 =  send_packet(pcap_active : TRUE,
                        pcap_filter : filter,
                        pcap_timeout : 2,
      ack = get_tcp_element(tcp:rep3, element:"th_ack");
      winsize = get_tcp_element(tcp:rep3, element:"th_win");
      if ( (winsize==0) && (ack) ) {
          display("Labrea found\n");
          set_kb_item(name:"Host/dead", value:TRUE);
    John Lampe

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Oct 15 2001 - 11:52:08 PDT