Windows 98 MS/DOS device name DOS

From: Michel Arboi (arboiat_private)
Date: Fri Dec 14 2001 - 00:56:47 PST

  • Next message: Michel Arboi: "www_too_long_url patch"

    Here are two scripts that try to blue screen a W98 box by acceding to
    AUX\AUX, AUX. & other device names through HTTP or FTP.
    I thought of putting all the tests in one script; however, considering
    the way Nessus works, it would have made the test run slower if there
    is several HTTP servers on the machine.
    Note: the FTP test should kill the W98 boxes that are supposed to be 
    patched against it! There have been a thread on this problem on Bugtraq.
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