Re: Is this list alive? How should it be used?

From: H D Moore (hdmat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 03 2002 - 13:29:21 PST

  • Next message: H D Moore: "New Microsoft SQL Server Plugins!"

    On Thursday 03 January 2002 12:15 pm, Andrew Hintz (Drew) wrote:
    > Hey everyone,
    > Is this list (plugins-writers) actually alive?  (I subscribed to it a
    > couple weeks ago and haven't gotten any emails from the list.)
    Most of the nessus plugin related messages seem to end up on nessus-devel, 
    lets try to get more traffic on this one.
    > If so, how should we use it?  Should I post each NASL that I write to the
    > list so that people can test it before it's officially added to Nessus?
    Yes! Please do so, I will be posting a few new ones here in a second.

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