Re: A couple NASLs for simple CGI traversals

From: Felix Huber (huberfelixat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 10:30:21 PST

  • Next message: Georges Dagousset: "Re: A couple NASLs for simple CGI traversals"

    >What about looking for /boot.ini and looking for "[boot loader]", which
    >solves some of the /winnt vs /windows problems?  Felix Huber was
    >looking at changing some of the plugins to use this instead as it's a bit
    > portable (but still doesn't cover all the MS versions).  Not
    >sure if he got to that or not...
    Like I wrote it should work for Win2k/XP/Nt4 ... I updated about 50 files (I
    mailed them to Renaud).
    > I don't have any /boot.ini on my Windows 2000
    Hmm... I was able to find this file on about 10 Win2K machines.
    Its hidden, write protected etc after the installation - is this the cause
    why you haven't seen it?
    Felix Huber

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