Re: BadBlue Directory Traversal

From: Noam Rathaus (noamrat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 06:53:24 PST

  • Next message: Noam Rathaus: "cvs_in_www.nasl"

    I noticed those too, I cannot figure out a safe way to detect actual reading of
    autoexec.bat, maybe searching for:
    "mode " instead of just "mode". But I am not certain how safe this would be...
    Noam Rathaus
    Beyond Security Ltd
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Matt Moore" <mattat_private>
    To: <noamrat_private>
    Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2002 15:53
    Subject: BadBlue Directory Traversal
    > Hello Noam,
    > Hope you're well. I've just finishing running a large scan, which is always
    > good for rooting out plugins that false positive...
    > The BadBlue Directory Traversal plugin you wrote appears to be (in a couple
    > of rare cases) returning a false positive. The actual cause of the false
    > positive is rather obscure - I think the string 'mode' is matching 'modern'
    > in a font referencing inline style sheet.
    > regards,
    > Matt

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