Re: 11226 - Oracle 9iAS default error information disclosure

From: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino (jfernandezat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 06:19:55 PST

  • Next message: Paul Johnston: "Re: 11226 - Oracle 9iAS default error information disclosure"

    Paul Johnston wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I noticed this in the plugin:
    >          path = location;
    > # Why doesn't this work?
    > #          ereg_replace(pattern: string("( 
    > )(.*)(",errorjsp,")(\(No such file or directory\))"), replace:"\2", 
    > string: path);
    > I think this should be:
    > path = ereg_replace(pattern: string("(
    > )(.*)(",errorjsp,")(\(No such file or directory\))"), replace:"\2", string:
    > location);
    > But I don't have any way to test it.
    > Is the author still here?
    > Paul
    	Yep. Still here.
    I believe you have just changed path to location. Am I right? If so, 
    you'll notice there's (just above it) a  path = location;
    and 'path' is the one printed in security_hole. Why would changing 
    path->location in the ereg make the regular expression work at all?

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