Re: 11226 - Oracle 9iAS default error information disclosure

From: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino (jfernandezat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 06:43:31 PST

  • Next message: Michel Arboi: "www hidden name"

    Paul Johnston wrote:
    >>> path = ereg_replace(pattern: string("(
    >>> )(.*)(",errorjsp,")(\(No such file or directory\))"), replace:"\2", 
    >>> string:
    >>> location);
    >> I believe you have just changed path to location. Am I right? 
    > Well, the crucial change is that I'm saving the return of ereg_replace 
    > back into path. This function doesn't change the string in-place; it 
    > returns the changed string. I think that's why you couldn't get it to work.
    	Of course, I missed the path=. Ok, I've changed it and tested it  with 
    the remote Oracle 9iAS server I have at hand:
    $ sudo nasl -t XXXXXX oracle9i_jspdefaulterror.nasl
    Unknown escape sequence '\('
    Unknown escape sequence '\)'
    The web root physical is returned here: 
    /XXXXXX/nonexistant.jsp (No such file or directory)
    I'm using:
              path = ereg_replace(pattern: 
    string("( )(.*)(",errorjsp,")\((No such 
    file or directory\))"), replace:"\2", string: location);
    If I change it to:
    path = ereg_replace(pattern: string("( 
    )(.*)",errorjsp), replace:"\2", string: location);
    $ sudo nasl -t XXXX oracle9i_jspdefaulterror.nasl
    The web root physical is returned here: /usr/aplic_ICM/prod/web (No such 
    file or directory)
    So I guess the problem lies in the "(No such file or directory)"
    In order to prevent this I'm changing it to:
      path = ereg_replace(pattern: string("( 
    )(.*)",errorjsp,".*"), replace:"\2", string: location);
    Which seems to work ok.
    I'll send a patch to the bug tracking system. Thanks.

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