Re: Major remote root vunerability found in sendmail

From: Erik Parker (erik.parkerat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 13:09:36 PST

  • Next message: Steven Procter: "Re: Major remote root vunerability found in sendmail"

    > At this time, given the vulnerability, I'm ok with that. I'll probably
    > remove Michael's expression later on, but right now, your regexp is a
    > bit hard to swallow so I'm in extra-paranoid/doubtful mode.
    > (I'm not critcizing your regexp but rather my inability to grasp it just
    > at the moment :)
    Fair enough, we did do fairly extensive testing against sendmail versions 
    to be sure it wouldn't false positive, but got everything we needed. Hence 
    the reason it took us nearly an hour to write =)
    Erik Parker, CISSP
    Digital Defense, Inc.
    1711 Citadel Plaza
    San Antonio, Texas 78209

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