Re: matching the sendmail version

From: Erik Parker (erik.parkerat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 15:24:40 PST

  • Next message: H D Moore: "Re: matching the sendmail version"

    > if(banner)
    > {
    >   re_sendmail = "Sendmail[ \t]*(\/|UCB | )([5-7]\.|8\.([0-9](\.|;|$)|1[01]\.|12\.[0-7](\/| |\.|\+)))";
    >   re_switch = "Sendmail[ \t]*Switch\-((1\.)|(2\.(0\.|1\.[0-4])))";
    This won't work for AIX systems due to "Sendmail AIX4.2/UCB 8.7"  and 
    "Sendmail AIX4.2/8.9.3" type of setup..
    or metainfo (MetaInfo Sendmail 2.5 Build 2630 (Berkeley 8.8.6)/8.8.4
    I don't imagine we can match them all.. and MetaInfo is rare. Is it better 
    that we miss something, or better that we false positive? (I bet this has 
    been brought up a million times, sorry.. I haven't been reading the list 
    much, if this question is in a faq somewhere, lemme know)
    Erik Parker, CISSP
    Digital Defense, Inc.
    1711 Citadel Plaza
    San Antonio, Texas 78209

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