Re: patch to explain sendmail_ nasl

From: Michael Scheidell (scheidellat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 04:39:46 PST

  • Next message: Michael Scheidell: "Re: patch to explain sendmail_ nasl"

    > > 
    > > We were looking into writing a regex to try and break those up and only 
    > > read until it encountere a / after a verified version number syntax... but 
    > > not enough time in the day right now.
    here, from bullets are versions that have 'slightly' modified version info
    and should not trigger the  hit
    (I don't have enough brain cells left to do those complecated regex's)
    "This has been fixed in upstream release 8.12.8, version 8.12.3-5 of
    the package for Debian GNU/Linux 3.0/woody and version 8.9.3-25 of the
    package for Debian GNU/Linux 2.2/potato."
    Michael Scheidell, CEO
    SECNAP Network Security, LLC 
    Sales: 866-SECNAPNET / (1-866-732-6276)
    Main: 561-368-9561 /
    Looking for a career in Internet security?

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