Re: Detecting the sendmail version w/o using the connection banner

From: Vincent Renardias (vincentat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 03:46:34 PST

  • Next message: George A. Theall: "Re: Detecting the sendmail version w/o using the connection banner"

    On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 11:36, Nicolas Gregoire wrote:
    > It may be useful to take some functionnality to smtpscan, which is a
    > tool dedicated to identify SMTP servers at an application level.
    It uses some good ideas, unfortunatly it failed to detect correctly any
    of the email servers I tested it on. :(
    On the other hand, I just implemented your suggestion and commited it to
    CVS (it remains extremely simple for now).
    There is now support to do better MTA detection and I've used it to
    (hopefully) improve the detection of Exim, Qmail & Sendmail.

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