Re: Apache ServerTokens

From: Renaud Deraison (deraisonat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 15:14:15 PST

  • Next message: Vincent Renardias: "New script"

    On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 11:48:53PM +0100, Rick Hoekman wrote:
    > In Apache you can restrict the information that it reveals about
    > itself setting ServerTokens to Prod for example, and it will give only
    > Apache when you telnet to it.
    > But in case of an error page it will present the version number along
    > with it (I know you can redirect this error, but still). Does Nessus
    > check for this when it finds an Apache webserver but cannot check for
    > version?
    It now does - thanks for the suggestion.
    Index: http_version.nasl
    RCS file: /usr/local/cvs/nessus-plugins/scripts/http_version.nasl,v
    retrieving revision 1.35
    diff -c -r1.35 http_version.nasl
    *** http_version.nasl	6 Feb 2003 03:28:31 -0000	1.35
    --- http_version.nasl	7 Mar 2003 23:17:17 -0000
    *** 41,58 ****
      # The script code starts here
    - include("");
       port = get_kb_item("Services/www");
       if (!port) port = 80;
       if (get_port_state(port))
    !   soctcp80 = open_sock_tcp(port);
        if (soctcp80)
    --- 41,74 ----
    + include("");
      # The script code starts here
    + function get_apache_version()
    + {
    +  local_var req, soc, r, v;
    +  req = http_get(item:"/nonexistent_please_dont_exist", port:port);
    +  soc = http_open_socket(port);
    +  if(!soc) return NULL;
    +  send(socket:soc, data:req);
    +  r = egrep(pattern:"<ADDRESS>.*</ADDRESS>", string:http_recv(socket:soc));
    +  http_close_socket(soc);
    +  v = ereg_replace(string:r, pattern:"<ADDRESS>(Apache/[^ ]*).*", replace:"\1");
    +  if( r == v )
    +   return NULL;
    +  else return v;
    + }
       port = get_kb_item("Services/www");
       if (!port) port = 80;
       if (get_port_state(port))
    !   soctcp80 = http_open_socket(port);
        if (soctcp80)
    *** 64,76 ****
          svrline = egrep(pattern:"^Server:", string:resultrecv);
          svr = ereg_replace(pattern:"^Server: (.*)$", string:svrline, replace:"\1");
          report = string("The remote web server type is :\n\n");
    !     report = report + svr;
          if("Apache" >< svr) {
    !      if("Apache/" >< svr)report = report + string("\nSolution : You can set the directive 'ServerTokens Prod' to limit\nthe information emanating from the server in its response headers.");
    !       report = report + string("\nand the 'ServerTokens' directive is ProductOnly\nApache does not permit to hide the server type\n");
           if("Microsoft-IIS/" >< svr){
            report = report + string("\n", "Solution : You can use urlscan to change reported server for IIS.");
    --- 80,102 ----
          svrline = egrep(pattern:"^Server:", string:resultrecv);
          svr = ereg_replace(pattern:"^Server: (.*)$", string:svrline, replace:"\1");
          report = string("The remote web server type is :\n\n");
          if("Apache" >< svr) {
    !      if("Apache/" >< svr)report = report + svr + string("\n\nSolution : You can set the directive 'ServerTokens Prod' to limit\nthe information emanating from the server in its response headers.");
    !        svr2 = get_apache_version();
    !       if( svr2 != NULL  )
    !         {
    ! 	  report = report + svr2 + string("\n\nThe 'ServerTokens' directect is set to ProductOnly\n",
    ! 	  				"but could however determine that the version of the remote\n",
    ! 					"server by requesting a non-existant page.\n");
    ! 	  svrline = string("Server: ", svr2, "\r\n");
    ! 	  set_kb_item(name:string("www/real_banner/", port), value:svrline);
    !        }
    !        else report = report + svr + string("\nand the 'ServerTokens' directive is ProductOnly\nApache does not permit to hide the server type.\n");
    +      report = report + svr;
           if("Microsoft-IIS/" >< svr){
            report = report + string("\n", "Solution : You can use urlscan to change reported server for IIS.");

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