Re: ssh ident

From: Renaud Deraison (deraisonat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 20 2003 - 12:00:39 PST

  • Next message: Anne Carasik: "Re: ssh ident"

    On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 02:16:21PM -0500, sulloat_private wrote:
    > We're seeing some odd messages with regard to SSH running on many servers. On
    > one host, for example, I see:
    > - An unknown service is running on this port.
    >   It is usually reserved for SSH
    >   Nessus ID : 10330
    > - Remote SSH version : SSH-2.0-2.0.12 (non-commercial)
    >   Nessus ID : 10267
    > It seems that find_service.nes is not identifying the SSH server. But the
    > ssh_version.nasl is correctly figuring out that it is SSH...
    > Any idea why find_services.nes is not properly identifying it? The match in
    > find_services.nes is:
    find_services.nes is the first plugin to really connect to the remote
    services. Maybe the remote host first tried to do a reverse lookup on
    your IP, so the recv() in find_service.nes failed, and subsequent
    connections worked because your IP finally resolved and is in the DNS
    cache of the remote host ?
    				-- Renaud

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