does no404.nasl HAVE to call webmirror and DDI_Directory_Scanner?

From: Michael Scheidell (scheidellat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 11:20:30 PDT

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: does no404.nasl HAVE to call webmirror and DDI_Directory_Scanner?"

    Does no404.nasl REALLY need to call webmirror.nasl? 
    (which calls DDI_Directory_Scanner.nasl)
     script_dependencie("find_service.nes", "httpver.nasl", "http_login.nasl",
    calling DDI directory scanner very early on seems to be causeing me some
    why does no404.nasl need to mirror the web site and scan for directories?
    Michael Scheidell, CEO
    SECNAP Network Security, LLC 
    Sales: 866-SECNAPNET / (1-866-732-6276)
    Main: 561-368-9561 /
    Looking for a career in Internet security?

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