11098 - DDI_ws_ftp-server-cpwd-bo.nasl

From: Paul Johnston (paulat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 15 2003 - 04:40:56 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Johnston: "CVE reference in iis_isapi_overflow.nasl"

    I think there's a little bug:
        if(egrep(pattern:".*WS_FTP Server 
    ((1|2)\..*)|(3\.((0(\..*){0,1})|(1\.1)))", string:banner))
    Should be: (note the extra brackets)
        if(egrep(pattern:".*WS_FTP Server 
    (((1|2)\..*)|(3\.((0(\..*){0,1})|(1\.1))))", string:banner))
    Without this it false positives on any server with 3.x.x in it's banner.
    Paul Johnston
    Internet Security Specialist
    Westpoint Limited
    Albion Wharf, 19 Albion Street,
    Manchester, M1 5LN
    Tel: +44 (0)161 237 1028
    Fax: +44 (0)161 237 1031
    email: paulat_private
    web: www.westpoint.ltd.uk

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