quotes in arrays

From: sulloat_private
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 13:40:48 PDT

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: quotes in arrays"

    I was trying to update no404.nasl & found that if I put a quote (escaped) as one
    of the errmsg elements, I was getting a nasl error. However, in the docs it
    seems to say it should work.  This is latest Nessus engine.
    string I tried:
    errmsg[21] = "name=qt id=\"search\" size=40 value=\" \""; 
    parse error, expecting `';''[20528]() 
    What's my problem? It needs to have the "s in there so it can verify the text
    box is blank (therefore meaning the file wasn't found and the search page was

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